Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Crushing Applebees

Certain Crusherites decide to go out for dessert, so we pile into the bug and head to Applebees. We tried a picture. Kinda worked sorta.

In a wild, girlish fling of normalcy, we decide to ask the waiter
to take a picture. That worked.

Anna's oreo shake is practically perfect in every way.

Lydia says her "strawberry coco fruit smoothie" tastes "weird."
Later she noticed the fruit on top: "Hey, fruit!" and ate it.

Then things go back to crazy and the faces begin.
This is angry face from Lydia and Laura.

Followed by sultry face from Lydia.. and smirky face from Laura
Lydia says "That doesn't even look like me."

Lydia looks like she's feeding the camera chips.
Note chip basket pre-spew...

....and the chip basket post-spew.
Katy says, "I guess it had to happen sometime."

Anna is not happy. Cause everybody knows spewing is gross.

Laura is reduced to tears.

Katy is feeling embarrassed and disgusted while Anna is feeling a laugh coming on.

Katy says, "Sorry girls."
Laura says this is Katy's "invisible beef jerky" face.

Quotables of the evening:

Katy, about the Beyonce song, "Irreplaceable:" "I'm feeling a little terrier coming out."

Laura, about women's firearms anti-rape groups, "Nothing recreational?"

Lydia, just before Katy spewed partially chewed chips and salsa: "I wanna be old people"

Lydia: "It's gotta be weird being a horse."

Anna completely serious, in response to an unexpected rattling of the closet door: "Is someone trying to come out of the closet?"

Laura, while wearing Katy's squashbook made by Lydia as a neckerchief, "I'm regurgitating memories."

Laura considering corn being pronounce as "quorn:" "There aren't enough words with "Q"

Anna: "Why aren't you with all your tank top friends?"

Anna, while using her milkshake straw like a spoon, "I like to eat it this way cause it lasts longer."

Lydia: "I need a tootsie pop. That's what I need."

1 comment:

Lydia said...

I think months down the road, when I am having a stressed out day and feel completely hopeless, I'll come visit these pictures and remember how much I laughed.

And then, I'll laugh, again.