Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What I remember about the night in question.

The day was January 29, 2007. At 1600 hrs Katy arrived back at the departure point and we disembarked on our adventure. We rendezvoused with Laura at Starbucks at 1630 hrs. Fun was had by all despite two of the drinks missing the ETA. I wanted to buy some coffee for the apartment, but just before purchase it was discovered that the bag contained whole beans. As I do not own a coffee grinder, this was found to be an unacceptable solution to the no-coffee-in-the-apartment crisis. Katy was very adamant that I purchase a coffee grinder to remedy the problem, however, in the end, I choose to forgo the purchase until ground coffee could be attained. While we waited for our drinks to arrive, Lydia proposed consuming our evening meal at Vietnamese Pho Restaurant. After conferring with the group, Laura disinclined and Lydia, Katy and I continued on with the nights missions. At Pho's we became intoxicated by our own cachinnation. With our mission complete by 1730 hrs, we adjourned in the apartment in time to get Lydia to her appointment at 1800 hrs. This concludes the deposition given by Anna Marie Seeley, this 30th day of the first month in the year 2007.

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