Saturday, February 3, 2007

Nonstick vs. Stick pans, the debate continues.

I am usually not into politics much. They don't strike my fancy and I like to let things slide...but being the minority here as an immigrant, I felt I must have a voice (even though I don't have full apartment citizenship yet.)

This morning over breakfast a debate ensued over the value of non-stick pans. This apparently, is a polarizing issue within the apartment. Anna, who is an advocate of stick fans (by default by making the statement "I hate non-stick pans."...therefore one can only assume she is a part of the other party of "sticky pan advocates") made wonderful pancakes this morning which resulted in this heated debate.

Katy sided with the Sticky Pan advocates, while Lydia and I fell in with the moderates. Christina asserted that had Anna experienced the real working non-stick pans, she would not hate them. (sounds a lot like Communism to me...good theory, but I've yet to see good practical application of it) After only going around in circles with it, we went back to watching Beakman's world and enjoyed our breakfast.

Moral: We really can all get along. Even though we have culinary preferencial differences, we put those aside here at the crusher.

...And even though I'm an immigrant who leaves her socks on the floor and sleeps on the hole in the couch, I am loved and accepted here. ("1..2...3..!")

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