Monday, February 19, 2007


As Christian girls we like to search for non-offensive expletives. I have a good friend who likes to use, "shoot a monkey!" One I thought of tonight is, "what the Mo!" Which lead to to a conversation, which lead to me miss-remembering the aforementioned expletive resulting in:
Suck a Monkey!
Not sure this is is non-offensive, but I think it could take off.

I would like to dedicate this post to Laura.


Lydia said...

So when one "sucks a monkey" do they use a straw or vaccumm? Cause either way there are going to be hair balls...hehe.

Anna said...

I'm not sure, but I think:
"Holy Hairballs!"
makes a good addition to our growing list.

katy said...


GER said...

I would be careful with "Suck a monkey." One could construe this to mean performing fellatio on a jungle-dwelling primate.