Monday, December 17, 2007

Finally, I give in

Katy has a cell phone now! So call it.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Missing my Crusherites.
It hurts me.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sometimes, I hate being a girl.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Magnet Communication.

I would just like to say that there is a sad deficiency in refrigerator magnet communication in my life right now.

-1_AuRa wUZ H3re.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's Been Awhile..

Hey Girls,
My Uncle put the stalker sketch on it is.

P.S. I love you girls!!...and God is blessing me greatly these days :)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Missing This Place

I miss coming into the apartment after an intramural football game and us all singing at the top of our lungs and it smelling of sweaty cleats and grass.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

1313 M. Maize Ct. Apt. 708
Wichita, KS 67212

Sunday, July 1, 2007

For Anna...Kind of Random...But That's How We Are...Too Cool...To Handle...Dot Dot Dot...Funny Saying.....

Oh, how I wish I could sit and share the moment when you see this for the first time. Only 5 seconds, but the laughter is timeless. Like "Death Pocket" and "Death-chino" or "GET OFF THE SHED!"

To all I say, enjoy, and to Anna I say, "I know, right."

Friday, June 29, 2007

For Lydia

I sit behind the wheel, scanning through the radio. I am on a mission. Only one song will satisfy my restless spirit. I want to sing, and I want to sing loud. Station after station; classical, hip-hop, folk, country, pop... and then ...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Princess Diary's Wolfman

He's not so wolfy anymore...

Friday, June 1, 2007

Rain (Bi)

So I had this song stuck in my head, but I couldn't remember who sang it, so I YouTubed the words I could remember..."A Thing Called Love." YouTube brought me this little video and I fell in love with the sound..though not all the words are my language...literally. I thought you girls would enjoy the dance moves, random find, and overall sweet sounds of Korean R&B. Funny, it hit me that the song I was looking for was a Johnny Cash fave of mine....haha! Hope you are still believing in love......even when the Korean mafia has a gun to your head...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Anna's back!

Wish we could be doing this again...

I'd be the dj!

the raconteurs "steady as she goes"

Thursday, May 10, 2007

From Rome

I miss you all and have already posted on your walls. It's still wierd to me that i'm on the internet in Rome, but i only have 5 more minutes so i will be making this short. i love you all, and really wish you were here. it is my deepest desire that we all go to europe together some day. loves Anna

Bride To Be & the Pretty Ladies

Only the Embarrassing Ones Because I Love You All.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

A Day In the Life

I keep thinking tomorrow I'll wake up and it will be just like any other day...
-talk to no one till the morning cranky has worn off
-check for bathroom needers before hopping in the shower
-throw on some hotness, cuz I was up late and it will make the day go better
-maybe go to a class or two
-laugh with friends
-sink into the couch crevice and watch some big screen
-bodacious or chick-fil-a
-more laughing
-impromptu 80's dance party complete with strobe light and mirror ball
-rolling on the floor laughing
-wrapping up about 3am
For now, I'd like to keep thinking this is what will happen. When reality sinks in... well maybe it never will...

This Is It.

As I sit waiting to head to Katy's for a Graduation Party, I wish all you were here, so I could say "I love you. You helped make me, me."

These were the years of us, you are all my sisters.


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Pieces of Anna are following me around.

Today while my mom and I were doing laundry...

Mom: "Laura are you aware that you had two small frogs in your pocket?"
Me: "oh...oh yeah."

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Crushing Applebees

Certain Crusherites decide to go out for dessert, so we pile into the bug and head to Applebees. We tried a picture. Kinda worked sorta.

In a wild, girlish fling of normalcy, we decide to ask the waiter
to take a picture. That worked.

Anna's oreo shake is practically perfect in every way.

Lydia says her "strawberry coco fruit smoothie" tastes "weird."
Later she noticed the fruit on top: "Hey, fruit!" and ate it.

Then things go back to crazy and the faces begin.
This is angry face from Lydia and Laura.

Followed by sultry face from Lydia.. and smirky face from Laura
Lydia says "That doesn't even look like me."

Lydia looks like she's feeding the camera chips.
Note chip basket pre-spew...

....and the chip basket post-spew.
Katy says, "I guess it had to happen sometime."

Anna is not happy. Cause everybody knows spewing is gross.

Laura is reduced to tears.

Katy is feeling embarrassed and disgusted while Anna is feeling a laugh coming on.

Katy says, "Sorry girls."
Laura says this is Katy's "invisible beef jerky" face.

Quotables of the evening:

Katy, about the Beyonce song, "Irreplaceable:" "I'm feeling a little terrier coming out."

Laura, about women's firearms anti-rape groups, "Nothing recreational?"

Lydia, just before Katy spewed partially chewed chips and salsa: "I wanna be old people"

Lydia: "It's gotta be weird being a horse."

Anna completely serious, in response to an unexpected rattling of the closet door: "Is someone trying to come out of the closet?"

Laura, while wearing Katy's squashbook made by Lydia as a neckerchief, "I'm regurgitating memories."

Laura considering corn being pronounce as "quorn:" "There aren't enough words with "Q"

Anna: "Why aren't you with all your tank top friends?"

Anna, while using her milkshake straw like a spoon, "I like to eat it this way cause it lasts longer."

Lydia: "I need a tootsie pop. That's what I need."

Monday, April 16, 2007

New Games

"okay...on three: Weirdest noise you can think of..."


Anna: *BEEEPP BEEEP* or something that sounds like her alarm clock.
Lydia: *kindof a seal noise*
Laura: *"Bananas."*...what, it's a funny word?

This and microwaving peeps until they explode have been what's been making us laugh lately.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Guessing Game.

Hello and welcome to today's game.
Below you wll find close-up pictures of various items in our apartment "The Crusher."
It is your challenge to guess correctly their identities.

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Figure 4:

Figure 5:

Figure 6:

Figure 7:

Figure 8:

Figure 9:

Figure 10:

Lastly I would like to include an obvious picture that is simply educational:

Friday, March 23, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fruit of YOUR Loom

" Do you want long eye lashes?"

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Memory Lane

My friend sent me this picture today. We think possible it was the first day of third grade. Oh, the awkwardness of it all. But then, does anyone look at their third grade picture and see themselves as normal? So this is us today:

So girls, I'm wondering what we will think 13 years from now when we look back at these pictures and these postings. Yes, we must admit that we are weird. But I hope 13 years from now we are still ok with that.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Crusher's on Spring Break!

This week we are in Iowa, Austin, Washington D. C., Colorado, and New York.

Have a great break, darlings!

the bee gees "stayin' alive"

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Flustered about my waning ivy, me: "I'm not gonna be a good mother. I can't ever remember when I've watered stuff."

Lydia: "It's not like that, though, cause kids say, 'Mom, I'm hungry!"

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Girls, our fans are calling. What are we doing for Hootenanny?

Monday, February 19, 2007


As Christian girls we like to search for non-offensive expletives. I have a good friend who likes to use, "shoot a monkey!" One I thought of tonight is, "what the Mo!" Which lead to to a conversation, which lead to me miss-remembering the aforementioned expletive resulting in:
Suck a Monkey!
Not sure this is is non-offensive, but I think it could take off.

I would like to dedicate this post to Laura.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


It is official.

Thursday, February 22nd 2007.

Wear a vest.

Be hot.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Has anyone seen this person?
She was last seen TWO!!! days ago!
This is entirely to long to go with out seeing the number one honorary Crusher member.
If you see here, please contact the necessary authorities.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Site Meter

Yay! We now have a site meter. It's located below "Things we like." Visit me and I'll give you the password or whatever, so you can block the site from recording your own visits.

To anyone who isn't us,
We're watching you.

Monday, February 12, 2007

When you like a boy.....

So I don't remember when, or exactly why, but a conversation was had about what if boy and girl parts glowed radioactively when you liked someone of the opposite sex. I guess somebody already stole our idea....

Friday, February 9, 2007

Hi, my name is Laura. I am wearing a sweater today.
*in calm narrating-for-blind-kids voice:
"Lydia types on the computer and then hits "publish."

(So this would technically would be a comment for Laura's post, but I just really wanted to put narrating-for-blind-kids in the labels part, because it's "Things We Like."

My identity is contain within my sweater.

I would just like to say, that I am currently wearing Lydia's sweatshirt.

After an awkward swap in the Pho's parking lot, we exchanged identities.

Since we all know, the sole vessel for identity is sweatshirts.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

On Valentine's Day

Me: "Mmm clamydia."

Lydia: "Nothing says Valentine's Day like Clamydia."

Anna: "That's why they call it VDday!"

Lydia: "And why isn't misteltoe associated with Valentine's Day? Of all the holidays to be fake kissing somebody..."

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The fridge tells all.

Perhaps of all the things I love about the of the greatest is the letters on the kitchen refrigerator.

Today I went to open the fridge and for my reading pleasure saw:

"Anna has leprosy" in children's magnet letters.


A Small Victory

Tonight, I successfully plunged by first toilet. I was taught the finer points of the skill sometime last semester by Laura and Christina, and tonight I was able to put them to practical use. At first, I wasn't sure I was doing it right. Nothing was happening, it was very discouraging. But then, finally, with lot's of splashing and suctioning noises, the water began to recede. It's a small kind of accomplishment, but I felt proud. No clogged toilet is safe from me forevermore.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

"Whenever I think it would be fun living in Little House on the Prairie times, I always think of childbirth and dental work and I'm like, NO. "

--Lydia, watching 7bridesfor7brothers, 4:30 AM

Monday, February 5, 2007

My Name is Laura, and I am 5 and I have two cats.

Today in the car, Anna and I discussed what it would be like if one were to go through life in random spurts of childhood narration.

This came about because I had started to inadvertently do this mid-sentence.
"So yeah, I was working on the project and I couldn't get it to work and...
That man is BALD!...
...And I still don't understand how to input and output the files...
There are lots of people in that van, Bobby has three marbles, my dad knows how to grill.
are we working out later?"
I probably shouldn't have eaten Stacy's play dough. Mom will be mad.

In other news...I may or may not have lost my mind today. I haven't decided yet.


We are women to be fought for....

We struggle with acceptance in the unique sense.
Boys offer lingering eyes and compliments,
but men are all we seek.
We are women to be fought for,
but don't count us the weaker ones.

I love you girls, and I belive in you.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Nonstick vs. Stick pans, the debate continues.

I am usually not into politics much. They don't strike my fancy and I like to let things slide...but being the minority here as an immigrant, I felt I must have a voice (even though I don't have full apartment citizenship yet.)

This morning over breakfast a debate ensued over the value of non-stick pans. This apparently, is a polarizing issue within the apartment. Anna, who is an advocate of stick fans (by default by making the statement "I hate non-stick pans."...therefore one can only assume she is a part of the other party of "sticky pan advocates") made wonderful pancakes this morning which resulted in this heated debate.

Katy sided with the Sticky Pan advocates, while Lydia and I fell in with the moderates. Christina asserted that had Anna experienced the real working non-stick pans, she would not hate them. (sounds a lot like Communism to me...good theory, but I've yet to see good practical application of it) After only going around in circles with it, we went back to watching Beakman's world and enjoyed our breakfast.

Moral: We really can all get along. Even though we have culinary preferencial differences, we put those aside here at the crusher.

...And even though I'm an immigrant who leaves her socks on the floor and sleeps on the hole in the couch, I am loved and accepted here. ("1..2...3..!")

Friday, February 2, 2007

What the?

I especially love the Dad Saddle and Neck Fanny

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Christmas at the Crusher

For Christmas the girls of The Crusher decided to exchange names for Christmas. This is their documentation of this event set to music.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What I remember about the night in question.

The day was January 29, 2007. At 1600 hrs Katy arrived back at the departure point and we disembarked on our adventure. We rendezvoused with Laura at Starbucks at 1630 hrs. Fun was had by all despite two of the drinks missing the ETA. I wanted to buy some coffee for the apartment, but just before purchase it was discovered that the bag contained whole beans. As I do not own a coffee grinder, this was found to be an unacceptable solution to the no-coffee-in-the-apartment crisis. Katy was very adamant that I purchase a coffee grinder to remedy the problem, however, in the end, I choose to forgo the purchase until ground coffee could be attained. While we waited for our drinks to arrive, Lydia proposed consuming our evening meal at Vietnamese Pho Restaurant. After conferring with the group, Laura disinclined and Lydia, Katy and I continued on with the nights missions. At Pho's we became intoxicated by our own cachinnation. With our mission complete by 1730 hrs, we adjourned in the apartment in time to get Lydia to her appointment at 1800 hrs. This concludes the deposition given by Anna Marie Seeley, this 30th day of the first month in the year 2007.

Her name was Rosie....

A few years back I was introduced to a restaurant called "Pho." I would go there occasionally, and would enjoy their coffee almost a year after my introduction (oh what a year wasted!) In any case, my true love/addiction to Pho began last semester after Laura and I became friends and shared fans of the vietnamese restaurant on High St. It seemed once a week we had to go, and I would often skip out early on my 3-5:40pm Thursday class just to get some egg rolls and vermicelli. As the semester went on we introduced a few more friends, and by the beginning of this semester we had a routine and a new addict, Anna.
Sunday evening we decided to all up exciting plan we all enjoy! So come Monday I sit with Anna around 3:15pm, and her being very aggrevated (in a comedic non-stick-up-butt way) since Katy was not here..although her official home return time was 3:30pm. So we drove to Starbucks, Katy franticly counting change from a plastic bag and moving it to coin purses...since plastic bags are just embarassing. At Starbucks we wait patiently for drinks, although Katy got upset and threw a thermos to the ground in anger for the wait...but I think a quote from an old friend would be well applied here. He spoke about alcohol, but I think caffeine holds the same effect. "It's not the caffinated people you need to worry about on the road, it's people who are trying to get caffinated." At Starbucks, I ask about Phos, and we decide to go and share something. At Phos, we wait and laugh and discuss various items of the day. Evidently Anna likes to sit next to the wall in the booth. I don't remember our conversations..perhaps you'll find those in their blog entries, but I remember listing off the status of males various in manhood age and in jerki-ness. I also remember Anna refering to a guy's maturity and holding her two fists about 4 inches apart, and well visually speaking it was quite funny and quite suggestive....So I said that's similar to a guy saying "she's got a great personality" while refering to the forespoken female's jug-size....laughter is often from the most inappropriate of comments.
Leaving Phos, I ask to go to Sonic. Monday included many depressing things for me, and so my favorite Reese's blast from Sonic seemed a nice way to prepare myself for my 7pm meeting: one I wasn't looking forward to at all......
An interesting thing about Anna at the Sonic drive thru is her pronunciation and urgency in ordering. The last time we had gone she ordered a strawberry/banana smoothie and then at the last second yelled out, "no, make that raspberry/banana." I laughed a great deal, thinking ot the overall effect of this change in the little ear piece of the worker person....but I digress. This night's Sonic drive had a Katy in the back seat, who happened to yell out "no" to the "anymore to order" question, though Anna wanted a Oreo blast.....again, Anna was called to action, with cat-like, well if cat's could order Sonic blasts, reflexes that called on the young worker to make that not one, but two blasts and not just Reese's but Oreo as well. Driving up to the window, it was found to be very necessary to stand up in Anna's bug's sun roof. Katy took on the challenge.

In the end, It is 2:02am and I feel like this is all I can recall. I hope Anna you're happy with the timing of this entry, this one's for you.

What I remember about last night

Well I got off work and got back to the apartment about 4:40, stepped inside and next thing I heard was my name being shouted and I got B-42ed with a bunch of hugs. That was a surprise. Then I had to pee really bad, so everybody waited for me and then we got into the bug and took off to Starbucks, which I intended to pay for with a bunch of change that I had evenly distributed into two coin purses, minus what I kept dropping on the floorboard. Anna forgot the movie to return, which was the first purpose of going out, but we went ahead anyway as planned. We get to starbucks and find Laura, and we order our stuff. Laura gets this pink tea thingy with ice, which I think is nuts cause its co-old out there. I tried to get into the bathroom to wash my hands after handling all the change, but there was a lady inside singing loudly. I got a white mocha, and drained it before the other girls had even gotten theirs. That was poopy, cause then I wanted more. But then we decided to make dinner out of the deal so we went to Pho's, which Laura punted in favor of homework at home. Next thing I know, we're taking the long route to Pho's, but we get there, order and it turns out the wonton w/ tomato is super tiny. So that was funny, but good, cause crab, even fake crab, is always good. We talked about the boy scale, which goes, from best to worst: gentleman, man, guy, dude, boy, kid, jerk, loser, villain. We laughed about "villain." And Lydia equated guys' maturity with girls' personality in a completely startling way. The eggrolls and fettucini (numba 6) was a delicious dish as well, except no one wanted to eat the last piece of eggroll. I asked the Vietnamese lady (at last) what her name is, found out it's Rosie, and then we told her our names and left. Now we're friends! Yay! Next we stopped at Sonic for blasts, Oreo for Anna, Reese's for Lydia, and I had some fun with the moonroof. We even made it back in time for Lydia's meeting. It was a good day.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Swedish Chef and lobsters

Non Sequitur

The Crusher is a magical place. It is much more than an apartment, but far less than the Roman empire. It is also a symbol standing for all that is truly spontaneous and impromptu. I am not ashamed to call this my home, and the people who reside here my family. Sometimes, I wonder whether Lydia is really a pod person.

Need to know facts of the Crusher

1. Singing is permitted, but should be a song we all know
2. Dancing is permitted, but should be akward or strobe light related
3. If the door is closed, we're napping
4. If you are eating chocolate...we should be eating chocolate
5. Once you're here, be ready to be entertained and loved.

Peace Out~

"I hide it because it scares me."

Anna has a very special coin purse. I recently saw it for the first time. It was a religious experience. She said to Lydia and me,

"I hide it because it scares me."

Apparently, someone thought,

"Hmm. It's Anna's birthday, and Anna likes frogs. I know, I'll get her an actual dead frog!"

The other night she brought out the little artifact, and at first it looked normal enough, but then I saw the frog's head sticking out of the side. Its glassy black eyes look so calm, and its little mouth has been sown shut, and all its body skin has been expertly molded into a pocket, complete with a zipper to keep valuables secure in the froggy tummy. The expressionless face communicates utmost serenity which immediately made me feel that this little specimen of amphibian mummification is one little Honduran hoptoad that left the homeland in style.

It got me wondering how many frogs it would take to make a jacket. I could see a real market for a fashionable, functional, bug-repellant jacket. Seems like 20 glass-eyed smirking frog's heads would make just about anyone lose their appetite.

dispatch "two coins"